Swiss Cancer ResearchFor researchersFor researchers

Questions & Answers

Register in GAP early. To use the Grant Application Portal, both principal applicant and co-applicants will need to register. If you have not used this portal before, register in a timely manner so you can become familiar with the system. The User Guide file on the Grant Application Portal (GAP) page - can also be very helpful. Login and select the funding scheme you want to apply to and click “New Application”. You can start your application and save it as you go. If you cannot find the round you are looking for on the list, please get in touch with us. 

To improve security, we've added Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). 2FA requires an extra step, besides your username and password, to verify your identity. It’s optional, meaning you are given the opportunity to further secure your account by adding an authentication device.

Once logged in, you can update your 2FA settings anytime by selecting “Change 2FA” at the bottom of the Manage My Details menu.

Yes, however, research applications that have been rejected can be revised and re-submitted only once - at the next or a following funding round. To submit, log in to the Grant Application Portal. Start a New Application.

1. Select Revised under Project summary of the application form, you will need to attach an updated Research Plan. We ask that you: 

  • use blue font or highlight in blue to distinguish changes and new information in comparison to your initial application. This makes it easier for the reviewers to follow what you have changed.

2. Rebuttal Letter

Once you mark your new application as a revised version of a previously submitted application, you will be asked to provide:

  • an updated Research Plan with highlighted changes and 
  • a one-page Rebuttal Letter summarizing the most significant changes to the application based on the reviewers’ comments

The web address for GAP is:

To see whether you are registered on the system, please use the “Forgotten Password?” function on the GAP Home Page, entering your email address as your Login ID. If you are on the system, the password you will need to use to access GAP will be sent to your email address.

If you find that your email is not recognized by the system, or if you have never applied via this system before, you will need to register yourself on GAP. This should only take a few minutes to complete

No. Once you add a co-applicant to your application, they will receive an e-mail requesting that they

  1. confirm participation and
  2. approve the application.

It is wise to allow enough time for co-applicants to respond as failure to do so could result in missing a deadline. 

You can add e.g. Co-applicants as a Supporting Role to your application. This will enable these individuals to login into GAP using their unique Login ID and password, and access and edit your application before it is submitted. 

There is no version control. Only one person can access the application at the same time, so you should coordinate access with those who have been designated as a Supporting Role on the application. However, only the Lead Applicant can submit an application, so they have final editorial control. 

Please review the status of all sections of the application form in the “Validation Summary” in the “Review and Submit” tab, and ensure that all parts of the application form have been completed. If you are having trouble completing all these sections or submitting your application, please contact us or email the team at: 

Save your application regularly. On each page you have a “Save” button so you will only lose data up to the last time you saved. 

No. Paper copies are not required. You only need to submit the online application. 

The Lead Applicant will be sent an email informing them that their application has been fully submitted. A unique ID will be assigned for further reference. 

No, it is the responsibility of the Lead Applicant to circulate these. 

You will be able to access your application for a short period after the funding scheme’s deadline has closed. Please note it is not possible to transfer an unsubmitted application to another deadline. 

Some sections of GAP launch and display in a secondary browser window. If your browser blocks pop-up windows, please allow pop-up windows from this domain as this may be the cause to the problem.

Please note that the system uses cookies, these must be enabled in order for all functionality on this site to work properly. This is the default setting for Internet Explorer. Please refer to your browser's Help for more information about enabling cookies.

Lead Applicants will be sent an email with the outcome from the Board meeting. Lead Applicants can then login into GAP, where they will be able to access any feedback along with review comments (where applicable). 

The Lead Applicant on an award will be alerted by email informing them to log into GAP and to complete the “Submit Final Report” task; the deadline by which it needs to be submitted will also be given.

Please consult our website details on Reporting the progress of your funded grant. 

In the area of research funding, the Swiss Cancer Research Foundation works closely with its partner organization, the Swiss Cancer League. Twice a year, they jointly award funds to support selected research projects. The funding organization is indicated in the contracting letter and the contract and can be seen from the project number :

Example how to acknowledge funding in research publications:

  • This work was funded by the Swiss Cancer Research foundation [KFS-XXXX-MM-2024]'.
  • This work was funded by the Swiss Cancer League [KLS-XXXX-MM-2024]'. 


Acknowledgements are much more than thank you notes. They enable us to monitor and evaluate the outputs of the research we fund.
If you are funded by us, you must list the funding organization – either Swiss Cancer Research foundation or Swiss Cancer League – and your grant reference number in all your research publications related to the grant.

Exmple: This work was funded by the Swiss Cancer Research foundation [KFS-XXXX-MM-2021]

Login to the Grant Application Portal (GAP) and navigate to My Grants. Select the project on which you wish to report your progress. Than, select Research Outputs and Import. Fill in the Search frame (you need not fill in all fields) and select the record you wish to import.

Tip: The Information sheet on "Reporting the progress of your grant or fellowship" on the Reporting webpage can also be very helpful.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Scientific Office
Stiftung Krebsforschung Schweiz
Effingerstrasse 40
CH-3001 Bern
Tel.: +41 31 389 91 09