Every research grant application submitted to Swiss Cancer Research is thoroughly reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The Committee evaluates each application according to clearly defined assessment criteria. The focus is on the scientific quality of the application – and whether it has the potential to yield new knowledge that will help to improve the prevention or treatment of cancer.
Only industry-independent projects that the Committee evaluates as high quality and are recommended for funding. Funded projects cover the entire spectrum of cancer research and can be roughly divided into five research areas:
Basic research
What are the molecular processes that lead to cancer? Basic research typically takes place in the laboratory. Knowledge gained from this research area can lead, for example, to ideas for new treatment approaches.
Clinical research
How can diagnostic and therapeutic methods be further improved? Close collaboration with patients play a vital role in clinical. Patients who participate in a clinical trials do so voluntarily and are fully informed in advance about the opportunities and risks.
Psychosocial research
What is the psychological impact of cancer on patients and their environment? Psychosocial research aims to improve the mental and social health of patients with cancer and those close to them.
Epidemiological research
How often does a certain type of cancer occur in the population? Do lifestyle factors such as smoking and nutrition contribute to the development of cancer? Epidemiological research examines large amounts of data that come from various population groups.
Health services research
Is it good practice to test every breast cancer patient for hereditary breast cancer? How does regular contact with a primary care physician affect treatment outcomes and health care costs? Health services research examines health-related products and services. The focus is primarily on the quality, benefits and costs of medical care.